Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Dr. Hector Roldan, Dr. Andrew Brown, Jane Rady, RN

Kristen Szykoluk • Jul 07, 2018

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Dr. Hector Roldan, Dr Andrew Brown, Jane Rady, RN

Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) is a multimodal program designed to minimize post surgical discomfort for patients and enable them a more rapid recovery by changing many traditional surgical preparation and recovery behaviors. ERAS programs are well established in large institutions throughout the world and have had a positive impact on patient recovery. The goal of this program was to establish an ERAS protocol in our medium sized rural hospital for patients undergoing colorectal surgery. 

The project objectives were to determine the impact that the ERAS program had on; patient length of stay, readmission rate and on post surgical complications. Additionally, a patient satisfaction questionnaire was completed for each patient within the study. 

Project Status: This project was completed from November 2015-November 2017 and was funded by the NOAMA Clinical Innovation Fund. The manuscript for this project is currently in progress.

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) – RESULTS

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